
An up-to-date list of refereed publications can be found on NASA/ADS.

First Author Publications

(4) Yahalomi, D. A. et al. ``Not So Fast Kepler-1513: A Perturbing Planetary Interloper in the Exomoon Corridor.’’ Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527, 1, 620-639 (2024).

(3) Yahalomi, D. A. et al. ``Detecting Solar System Analogs through Joint Radial Velocity/Astrometric Surveys’’ The Astronomical Journal, 166, 6, id.258, (2023).

(2) Yahalomi, D. A. et al. ``The Mass of the White Dwarf Companion in the Self-Lensing Binary KOI-3278: Einstein vs. Newton.’’ The Astrophysical Journal, 880, 33 (2019).

(1) Yahalomi, D. A., Schechter, P. L, and Wambsganss, J. ``A Quadruply Lensed SN Ia: Gaining a Time-Delay…Losing a Standard Candle.’’ MIT Journal of Undergraduate Research, Fall 2017 – arXiv:1711.07919.

Independent Significant Contribution

I contributed ideas, wrote code, ran code, analyzed results, and/or wrote part of the manuscript.

(4) Grunblatt, S. et al. including Yahalomi D. A. ``Roman CCS White Paper: Adding Fields Hosting Globular Clusters To The Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey.’’ White Paper, arXiv:2306.10647 (2023).

(3) Kipping, D. and Yahalomi D. A. ``A search for transit timing variations within the exomoon corridor using Kepler data.’’ Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 3 (2023).

(2) Christian, S. et al. including Yahalomi D. A. ``A Possible Alignment Between the Orbits of Planetary Systems and their Visual Binary Companions.’’ The Astronomical Journal, 163, 5 (2022).

(1) Palatnick S., Kipping D., and Yahalomi D. A. ``Validation of HD 183579b Using Archival Radial Velocities: A Warm Neptune Orbiting a Bright Solar Analog.’’ The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 909, 1 (2021).

TESS Collaboration Papers

My authorship results from my contributions to mission planning, ground-based observing, and/or internal data analysis in the TESS collaboration. In all such instances, I provided substantive feedback on the manuscript. For these efforts, I am a co-author on 18 TESS papers. For a full list of these articles see my full refereed publication list on NASA/ADS or my CV.